Learn and Grow.

Hone Your Craft

Grow Your Business

Grow Your Business
Why and When does ISHA Require CEUs?
A major part of the ISHA existing is to support the continued growth and development of our members as artists and business owners. If we want to be taken more seriously as entertainers, we must show the world that we take our work seriously.
All members begin with an Association Membership. There is no continuing education requirement to maintain an Association Membership.
Members who are awarded Professional Membership must complete 20 Continuing Education Units per year to maintain their membership.
Continuing Education Units can be earned through three areas of professional development:
Hypnotism or Show Business Education
Performing 40 or more paid show per year
How Do I Earn My Continuing Education Units for ISHA?
Attend a conference or convention.
10 CEUs
Attend Monthly ISHA Online Meetings
3 CEU per webinar
Volunteer on an ISHA committee
Self-reported hours will be converted to CEUs.
Be the Rock Star you are and Perform Live Paid Hypnosis Shows
2 CEUs for every 4 paid performances.
Submit a blog article for publication on the ISHA website.
5 CEUs for a 1,000 word or greater article.
How Do We Submit for CEUs?
Each year when you renew your membership, there will be a CEU submission form built into the renewal application. We will make it as easy as we can. Just be sure to keep track of your activities throughout the year.